


Name of Commodity WALTS-KIT 01A200P-10 WALTS-KIT FC200-0102JY 2×2
Specifications 1x1 2x2
Structure Rigid Substrate (Both) Rigid Substrate (Both)
Outline 30.0mm×30.0mm×(0.97mmt) 35.0mm×35.0mm×(0.87mmt)
Function Daisy Chain Daisy Chain
Land Size φ0.14mm● φ0.14mm●
Number of Lead 2116 (46×46) 8464(2116/chip×4)
Vehicle 10mm×10mm 200μm pitch area 20mm×20mm 200μm pitch area
SR Opening φ95μm● φ95μm●
Number of Measurment Pad 24 pads 32 pads
Daisy Chain Center Area 12×12 Matrix
Corner Area 12×11 four Matrix

Center Area 20×18 Matrix
Corner Area 12×11 four Matrix

Surface Spec of Electrode Cu + OSP (option Solder Coat) Cu + OSP (option Solder Coat)
    *OSP: Organic Solderability Preservatives